Alice goes to school


Alice started at a new school this past month and I’ve been excited to share some pics. She is doing a sweet little church preschool/co-op called Mustard Seeds and attends twice a week on Monday and Friday mornings. She really seems to adore going to school (or “class” as she calls it) and seeing her love it so much has made her seem so grown up!


These two photos are from her very first day of the year. She was so excited about that kitty cat backpack she would barely let me take it off to get her into the car seat.


First day of Mustard Seeds!

When I picked her up after school that first morning she had a glowing report from her teacher and exclaimed, “I have fun in class!” when I asked her about the day.



So, naturally, we came home and celebrated with ice cream.


As the room mother for Alice’s class, I had the chance to go into school with her that first week to take some photos for the website. It was so fun to get a little sneak peek into what happens in their little classroom! I loved being a fly on the wall.


 I must admit, I was a little surprised by how well Alice worked on tasks, followed instructions from the teacher, and played with the other children.


If someone had asked me before school started if Alice could play with play dough (as she is seen doing in the pictures here) I would have said, “no way. she’s too young. she’d just eat it!” As evidenced by these pictures, it is clear that I’ve underestimated her abilities.


After a few weeks of attending, I think it is safe to say that Alice is really in a groove with her new school. She has made some new friends, brought home some awesome artwork, and learned several new songs and a sweet prayer all in this first month! Looking forward to all that’s in store and all that she will learn in the months to come.

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