Seven Months, Solid Foods, Two Teeth, and Pulling Up.


Baby Eleanor is seven months now. And what a month of milestones it has been!

DipticShe started solids. Not crazy about them, but getting the hang of it slowly.


Still crawls and sits up like a champ

IMG_2418Likes playing in her johnny jump up and excersaucer


Loves outside play. The outdoors will soothe any of her sadness in an instant.


She cut her first two, tiny teeth on the bottom

photo (1)and last but not least, she is puling up…on everything.

A big month, indeed, for little sister. She also had her dedication at church  this month and an overnight stay at Lala and Papa’s while Momma and Daddy went out of town for a wedding weekend. She loved them both! Happy seven months, Eleanor!

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